Monday, September 1, 2008

Baddies 2007-Present

Ah, the Baddies. For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, it's the after party to the Creative Circus' student show held at Famous Pub. It's not officially associated with the school, so don't and call the accreditation committee. It's just a student tradition.

But for all the glory of the ads, basked in beer and comradery, I doubt I will ever experience it. Part by choice, the rest in fear. Though I haven't been diagnosed, I am 99% sure that I am an agoraphobic. Not so severe that I can't leave my house, but enough to the point where I hardly go to new places. And it's not new places alone, but places with alot of people in a small space. I guess it's a combination of agoraphobic and claustrophobia. And for someone who doesn't drink and doesn't party, the Baddies isn't a place for me unless I'm going to be a designated driver (for your information, I can't drive stick, so those people are out of luck) and/or a wallflower.

Come find me if you want someone to talk to, who'll actually listen, or if you want to have a friendly discussion or debate.

"Listening is becoming quite a lost art form"

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